6 Reasons we are the best IT Support company in Manchester, Chester and maybe the world

1. We only hire the best -We hire the best and brightest from Manchester and Cheshire.


All our team are highly skilled individuals from but most importantly our team is full of passion for technology. We get excited by technology, in fact the most requested day off in NKC groups history was the day Windows 8 was release as all our super geeks wanted to stay at home and play. This is why our team are great at IT support.


2. We are Multi lingual – We speak not only English but we also speak geek. (Our Cloud Computing Guru, Carl Enser claims to also speak ‘Proper Manc’ being a Manchester lad)


Our team have an excellent understanding of all things techie and have an amazing way of communicating the most technical things in plain old English.


Now how many IT support companies can do that?


3. Location, Location, Location – We believe we are ideally placed to provide the best support to our Manchester and Cheshire based customers.


We run our helpdesk from our head office just off the M6 near Congleton; from here our engineer can be onsite in Manchester and Chester within the hour.


As you would expect we also have guys in the field who are constantly in and around the Manchester and Chester area and can often be on-site within 30 minutes.


Our current record is being onsite in 3 minutes as we were installing a new pc on the ground floor of a Manchester business centre and received a call from our client on the first floor with a print problem. We would have been there sooner but the lift was slow.


Where is your IT Support Company based?


4. We are faster than Usain Bolt – Ok maybe not faster than Usain but we are pretty quick, we pride ourselves on our response times. If you have a system problem we guarantee to have a qualified engineer on the phone to you within 10 minutes.


How long do you wait for IT Support?


5. Fixed Price IT – This is our favourite talking point all our support contracts and fixed price, so no matter what goes wrong you’re covered for a low monthly fee, if fact we can support you for less than a £1 a day.


6. Cloud Specialists – When it comes to the Cloud what we don’t know isn’t worth knowing. We have successfully moved hundreds of people to the Cloud, whether you’re a Chester based firm of solicitors, a Macclesfield estate agents or a Manchester recruitment company we have moved companies of all shapes and sizes to the Cloud to improve IT performance and reduce costs.






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